The Scorpion Spirit Animal

Scorpion spiritual meaning

Message: The Scorpion card is all about messages, symbolic or literal such as phone calls, texts and emails. It’s a card of minor warnings and guidance regarding people and situations in our life.

Predator: One symbolic interpretation of The Scorpion is a situation that is eating you alive. Occasionally it may refer to a person who is chasing you romantically or a rival in love or at work

Protection: The Scorpion may come at a time when we need strength of some sort. Are you feeling under pressure with something? Are you eating healthy and exercising? Do you feel under attack?

Confusion: The Scorpion can represent confusion or hiding from the truth, a situation where we can’t decide what to do or feel we are banging ours heads on a brick wall. The sooner it’s dealt with the better.

The Scorpion can signify a person close to you who is in need of help or guidance. Can also be a warning of a situation getting out of hand or signify a person with depression, who needs to come out of their shell or someone hiding their true nature.

Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings

Upright Meanings: sorrow, upheaval, serious misunderstandings, disorder, sadness, alienation, absence, division, loss, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, disillusion, conflict, confusion, removal, distraction, trauma, civil war, upset, grief, heartache, betrayal, heartbreak, separation, broken relationship, ill-health

The Scorpion represents unhappiness, heartache, sorrow and sadness. It is a minor card of grief, loss, depression and tears and when it appears in your reading it generally indicates a period of difficulty or hardship, usually on an emotional level. Distraction, conflict, disillusion and serious misunderstanding are all represented by this card so whatever situation it signifies will bring with it confusion, upset and upheaval. The Scorpion also indicates depression, trauma, disorders, loneliness, absence and betrayal. You have suffered or will suffer a loss or betrayal of some kind when this card appears and not one that can easily be brushed over. You will be feeling this loss on a deep emotional level and you must give yourself time to process what has happened. Though it does represent hardship, this card is not all bad. The most difficult situations in our lives often teach us more about who we are and what we are capable of than the good times. Give yourself space and time to heal and learn all you can from the experience. If you need support, don’t be afraid to reach out to the people that love you.

Scorpion spirit meaning

Reversed Meanings: overcoming grief/ sorrow/ sadness, repressing emotions, getting over the worst, confusion, reconciliation, compromise, suppressing memories, sorrow, sharing problems, releasing pain, optimism, overcoming depression, loss, recovering from heartbreak, forgiveness, inability to let go of pain

The Scorpion reversed represents overcoming unhappiness, heartache, sorrow and sadness. When reversed, it is a minor card of optimism, overcoming grief or depression and releasing pain. When it appears in your reading it generally indicates that you are recovering from your heartbreak and getting over the worst part of a bad situation or event. You may be reaching out to friends and sharing your problems or reconciling with someone whom you were hurt by in the past. You may have reached a compromise or be at a point where you are able to forgive and let go of past trauma. Alternatively, The Scorpion reversed has a flip side. It can be an indication that you are repressing your grief, sorrow or traumatic memories. That you are refusing to let go of negative emotions and are holding onto your pain. Look to support cards to confirm this.