The King and Queen signifies a male energy in control. Often a situation involving 2 people, not always romantic. It’s a strong card and if relating to a situation, suggests compromise or taking the next step.
Kings were always, by default, positive figures. They guaranteed the stability of a Kingdom. They cared for security and justice and would protect the people from invasions and aggressions. Unless surrounded by a negative spread or reversed, the King is always a strong positive figure in a Cartomancy spread. It often represents an important man in the questioner’s life or the questioner himself if a man. The Kings of the minor suits also reflect a certain aspect or face of the Emperor in the deck. Kings are considered to be the most mature of the Court Cards. They have traveled through life successfully and are now at the pinnacle of experience and understanding. Thus, the Kings represent the fully developed personalities of each of the Suits.

Upright Meanings: snap judgements, rejuvenation, awakening, self-evaluation, decisiveness, composure, apportioning blame, rebirth, homesickness, judgment, atonement, judgement, improvement, promotion, renewal
snap judgements, rejuvenation, awakening, self-evaluation, decisiveness, composure, apportioning blame, rebirth, homesickness, judgment, atonement, judgement, improvement, promotion, renewal
Reversed Meanings: imbalance, conflict, disconnection, disunion, trust issues, fickleness, disharmony, separation, lack of accountability, untrustworthy, unreliability, frustration
The Lover reversed can point to both inner and outer conflicts that you are dealing with. The disharmony can make daily life difficult and could be putting pressure on your relationships. You should take time to think about what you are punishing yourself for, so you can fix them or let them go. At this time, you should also think about your personal values and belief system to make sure that they are aligned with what you want from your life.