You will choose your significator card from our lifestyle card deck.
First let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is and shuffle the cards.
Geminis are perceived to have dual nature as this sign is symbolized by twins. However, the duality is often expressed in the exchange and interaction of Geminis with other people. Geminis are very flexible people and their ability to adapt to changes makes them very easy to deal with. This is the reason why people who are born under this star are very friendly, witty and clever. However, under the lunar position, Geminis have worrisome behavior and they need more stimulation than other people. This is the reason why they can also be overbearing sometimes. With their characteristics to always ask questions, Geminis love to move around freely and mingle with people to get answers to their questions.
Your Daily Gemini Tarot
Geminis are intellectually inclined and their thirst for wisdom and knowledge knows no boundaries. They are extremely smart and loving collecting and sharing information. While they are extremely rational, they also have the wildest imagination. However, the downside of their curious mind is the fact that they never follow through with their thoughts.
This tarotscope is using cards from the Spirit Guide or Spirit Animal Card Deck along with our Lifestyle cards as significators. Everyone interprets Spiritscopes differently but the insight that you gain is a personal experience and invaluable tool. Spiritscopes help to empower you with knowledge of the energy you will face in your day, week month and year.
About Gemini: Gemini is the third zodiac sign that lasts from May 21st to June 21st.It originates from the Gemini constellation and is represented by twins. For the people born under this sign, no conversation is too lengthy. They can keep up the chatter all day long and what they say isn’t just idle talk, it will be an extremely informational one. Gemini people are extremely smart and quick-witted.