You will choose your significator card from our lifestyle card deck.
First let’s see if the influence is positive or negative and how strong it is and shuffle the cards.
People born under this sign are symbolized by the scale which represents balance. Librans are sociable and intellectual. Because they enjoy balance in their lives, they tend to seek the middle ground thus they have the tendency to become everything for everyone. They are also accused for having lack of directness and inability to take a solid stand on things. Since Librans look for harmony and peace, they have a tendency to concede on things and they let people win in arguments. Their ability to strive for balance makes them attractive and this is the reason why Libra natives also have tendencies to attract many people from the opposite sex effortlessly.
Your Daily Libra Tarot
Librans are just bubbling with enthusiasm with every new situation. They are very sociable people. They have an easy-going personality and an eager-to-please attitude that makes them an instant hit with people. They are also very elegant and charming. They are the glue that keeps people together because they are the ones who maintain harmony in a group. They get along with everyone. They are adept at maintaining relationships be it business or romantic or friendship or family.
This tarotscope is using cards from the Spirit Guide or Spirit Animal Card Deck along with our Lifestyle cards as significators. What are Spiritscopes? Spiritscopes, in case you couldn’t tell by the name, marry the practice of horoscopes with the spirit archetypes and involve the reading of cosmic energy around the sun signs. Spiritscopes are usually one card as a horoscope reading.
About Libra: Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiac. It starts from September 23rd and ends on October 22nd. It is represented by a pair of scales. These scales are based on the Scales of Justice from Greek mythology. People born under Libra are said to be harmonious. They are extremely involved in all their relationships. They love excitement and adventure. They enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life.