Free Salem 3 Card Tarot Reading. No email, no registration, instant result. The past, present and future spreads are Tarot classics but this new reading with the Salem major arcana is unique to this site.
Category: Popular
Tarot Cards Free Reading
Free Tarot Card Readings. No email, no registration, instant result. Choose your deck and type of reading. We have 15 decks (including oracle and angel cards)to choose from and many quizzes as well as readings.
Oracle Cards
Full 78 Card Picture Gallery of Oracle Cards. No email, no registration, instant result. Free Oracle Readings and Energy Oracle Readings with our exclusive deck. Oracle decks are a tool of self-reflection to add to your spiritual toolbox.
Tarot Cards
Full 78 Card Picture Gallery of Chakra Tarot Cards. No email, no registration, instant result. Free Chakra Tarot Readings and Chakra Balance Quiz. Chakra tarot cards are a unique way of
Yes No Tarot
Free Yes No Tarot wihth your cgoice of tarot deck- no email or registration – career, family, health, love, finance spiritual. Your yes-or-no tarot reading combined with Energy Oracle Cards – designed to reveal both the present energy around you and the situations you are likely to attract.
Spirit Animals – Raven
Spirit Animals (Raven) – When a Raven flies into your life, in a dream or in real life, or even seeing one on TV more often than coincidence, it signifies that “magic” is at play.
Am I Psychic?
Instant Result – no email, no registration. We all have psychic abilities to some extent. Whilst very few ‘gifted’ people don’t have to work at it, even the most well known psychics will have taken a lot of time to develop their psychic abilities.
Can Dogs See Ghosts?
Have you ever wondered whether your dog is able to sense spirits? Dogs and other canines have extraordinary senses that are much sharper than ours. As much as we’d like to believe there is some truth to the idea that dogs can sense the spirit world, we just don’t know.
Dream about Snakes
Meaning in Dreams: Snakes. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Dreams about Snakes usually means hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may
Spider Dream Meaning
Meaning of Dream: Spider. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: A dream about a White Spider is a sign of faithfulness, friendship and forgiveness. You are ready to
Dream about Losing Teeth
Dreaming of: Losing Teeth. Dreams fall into 3 very broad categories: Loosing teeth is something we all fear. Dreaming about this can signify worrying about old age or fe
Name Compatibility Test
Instant – no email, no registration. Do you share a soul connection with that special someone? Is he or she your special person? This is a simple Love Compatibility Calculator which displays love match percentage based on full names.
Number 7 Meaning
Free Numerology Calculators: The number 7 has many meanings associated with it. These include the seventh astrological sign, spiritual awakening, good luck, enlightenment, intuition
Free Numerology Reading
Instant Free Numerology Reading – no email, no registration. Use the number calculators above for an in depth, more long term look at your numerology, or take this easy one card reading for daily guidance.
Numerology Calculator
Instant Numerology Calculators – no email, no registration. Find your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Karmic Number and Karmic Debt or try out name compatibility test. Numbers are everywhere
The Raven Spirit Animal
The Raven Spirit Animal – Free Reading – No email. No registration! The Raven can indicate a long standing problem that should come to an end soon. It can signify a young
Free Psychic Reading
Get Your Free Psychic Card Reading here Results are instant. No registration, no email!!! The difference between mediums, psychics … read more
Soul Family (Soul Group)
What is a Soul Family? First of all I dislike the phrase Soul Family, preferring Soul Group which is far more descriptive as the term does not always apply to your family in this life. Free Soul Family Readings & Quizzes
Past Life Karma Quiz
Every wondered why you have deja-vu glimpses of something you are sure you have never seen, places you have never been, an affinity with something you have never experienced? Well consider that it may be coming from a past life, somewhere deep in your subconscious.
Astrology Chart
Instant Free Birth Chart Reading – no email, no registration. Find your life path number plus your birth date guides. Each of your 6 birth chart spirit guides will use their experiences and personalities to find common ground with your life today. They will indicate the strength of this connection. If the energies come in reverse then it should be treated as a warning.
Who is my Spirit Guide Quiz
No email or registration needed. Our easy Spirit Guide Quiz taps into your subconscious with 12 simple questions to find several spirit guides around you then presents you with a few more relevant questions to find the guide that is helping you right now. What does this spirit guide want to say to you?
7 Chakras
Instant Free Chakra Reading – no email, nor registration – Are your chakras in balance? Find out with our 1 card reading and unique Chakra Oracle cards. Chakras are all interrelated so when one of them is imbalanced, it causes a disturbance in the other chakras as well.
Meet Your Spirit Guide
Quiz: No email or registration needed. Instant answer. Have you met your Spirit Guide yet? Our Picture Word-Cloud quiz uses subconscious energies to connect you with your spirit guide. Visual Section: 12 sections, 5 images each to choose from
Spirit Guidance (Quiz)
Asking Spirit Guides for Help – Word Cloud Quiz – No email or registration needed. Instant answer. Our Spirit Guidance Word-Cloud uses a unique combination of subconscious energies and help from spirit to select the best spirit guide archetype to guide you.
Dream Meaning Quiz
No email or registration needed. Instant answer. Our Dream Meaning Quiz uses a unique combination of subconscious and spirit energies to select the most appropriate spirit archetype to give you clues to your dream meanings. Ask this spirit guide to come in your dreams to guide and inform you
Is Karma Real?
Is Karma a real thing? The meaning of the term karma has it’s origins in Sanskrit and literally means act, action or deed – the idea being that we determine their own destinies through our behaviour towards others.
Yes No Oracle Love Reading
Ask our spirit oracles for a simple yes or no answer to your love and romance questions. Read what each Oracle has to say and also get a decision yes or no but remember though – we all have free will and the future can change at any time dependant on the life path decisions you and others make!
What is my Soul Group? Find a Soulmate Quiz
Quiz: No email or registration needed. Instant answer. There are many reasons why some souls reincarnate as a group. We are not really meant to know of those reasons, although often soul families learn from each other, rather then commonly held ideas of karmic debt being repaid.
Does He Love Me?
Does he love you? Free Quiz. No email or registration needed. Instant answer. Choose 26 quick multiple choice answers to get a yes, no, maybe answer. See what your subconscious is hiding.
Does He Like Me?
Instant Free Oracle Quiz Does He Like Me? – no email, nor registration – Life is too short to waste time wondering but now and then we just have to know. By asking the Oracles for a simple yes no answer reading
Yes No Oracle
Instant Free Yes or No Oracle Reading – no email, nor registration – Ask our Oracles for a simple yes no answer – Full Answer from 3 cards – Choose your deck – Spirit Guides, Angels, Spirit Animals, Power Animals, Past Life
Past Life Quiz
Past Life Quiz: No email or registration needed. Instant answer. Astrology based Past Life Quiz – Find out about your past life. Our Picture Word-Cloud quiz uses subconscious energies to connect you with spirit archetypes.