Oracle Cards

Full 78 Card Picture Gallery of Oracle Cards. No email, no registration, instant result. Free Oracle Readings and Energy Oracle Readings with our exclusive deck. Oracle decks are a tool of self-reflection to add to your spiritual toolbox.

Cartomancy Cards

Full 78 Card Picture Gallery of Cartomancy Cards. No email, no registration, instant result. Our free cartomancy reading uses all 52 cards plus26 additional cards, 78 in all. This is one of our more popular divination tools. Cartomancy is similar to tarot in that it uses cards (standard playing cards) to see the lessons and situations surrounding your questions, helping you find your pathway.

Spirit Animal Quizzes

Dozens of spirit animal quizzes – Try our new spirit animals quiz or power animal quiz. The idea of spirit animals reaches back to ancient times, when we humans had a more intimate and mutual relationship with the animals we shared the earth with.