Balance: We often see The Possum on 2 legs, symbolizing the balance we have got in our lives (or not). Is there something you are not letting go of? Are you working too hard? Is someone being unreasonable about something? Are you dealing with a breakup or passing?
Questions: Where do questions need to be asked or answered? Is someone asking questions about you? Where in your life is there a question mark that needs you to provide the answer?
Protection: The Possum may come at a time when we need strength of some sort. Are you feeling under pressure with something? Are you eating healthy and exercising? Do you feel under attack?
Darkness: The Possum can represent depression or worry and often relates to a person close to us. Sometimes it can suggest dark thoughts such as jealousy or revenge. The card can be a sign of worrying unnecessarily.
The Possum can signify a person who keeps their true feeling hidden or feels mistreated. Can also be a situation where misunderstandings need to be brought into the light. Occasionally indicates depression.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: abandonment, loneliness, looking for the truth, courage, introspection, withdrawal, fatigue, leaving a bad situation, abandoning plans, travelling, escapism, self-discovery, looking deeper, self-analysis, walking away, letting go, reaching limit, emotional strength, disappointment, misery
The Possum represents abandonment. It can signify walking away from people or situations in your life or abandoning your plans. It can indicate disappointment, escapism and turning your back on or leaving bad situation. The Possum can also represent the exhaustion or weariness that can prompt such a decision. Strength and courage are necessary to walk away from what you know into an unknown future and these qualities are also represented in The Possum. It is a minor card representing travel so you could find yourself embarking on an adventure when this card appears in your reading. The Possum can signify loneliness, introspection, self-analysis and looking for the truth.
Reversed Meanings: faking happiness, stagnation, pleasure, lack of self-worth, accepting your lot, lack of emotional maturity, success, low self-esteem, fear of commitment, lack of self-awareness, clinginess, staying in a bad situation, joy, fear of moving on, monotony
The Possum reversed can indicate stagnation. When it appears you may be accepting your lot in life or staying in bad situation that makes you terribly unhappy because you are afraid of moving on or worried about what the future might hold if you leave. You may appear happy to those around you but underneath it all you know you need to get let go of certain people or situations in your life in order to move forward. You are resisting this change because you are paralysed by fear. It can also be a sign of running away from situations, not because they are bad but because you are afraid to take a chance and be vulnerable. This minor card in a reversed position can show a lack of emotional maturity and can also be an indicator of low self-esteem or low self-worth. It can also represent returning home after a long period of travelling or living abroad.