Stability: Often relating to relationships, The Antelope guides us towards strengthening ALL relationships. Have you lost touch with a friend? It can also be a sign of a new job or an improvement in finances.
Discord: When we see The Antelope we should consider that it may be a warning or refer to an argument. You could be feeling threatened or intimidated – just relax and call on your spirit animal to guide you.
Romance: The Antelope can be a card about romance and relationships. It is generally an optimistic card but is best used as guidance for existing arising issues.
Money: The Antelope can be a card about money and financial prosperity. It can come as a warning or a sign that things are going to get better. It can sometimes signify a business man such as an accountant, banker or solicitor.
The Antelope can represent an excitable relationship where 1 or both parties are not good with money. It can be a sign of a new job or improvement in finances.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: investments, stability, happiness, financial new beginning, abundance, new job, money, new business, prosperity, savings, new financial opportunities, pleasure, security
The Antelope represents new beginnings and prosperity. It is a very good card to get in a spread as it signifies starting something new which will be very positive for you. You should be feeling very optimistic when this card appears as it brings with it feelings of positivity, inspiration and new exciting energy. This minor card also signifies abundance in all areas of life and security and stability. The Antelope card can indicate that you will be ready to make your dreams a reality. The time is coming for you to manifest your goals, achieve your dreams and realise your potential. You will be motivated and ready for the challenge.
Reversed Meanings: greedy, scarcity, financial delays, deficiency, stinginess, lack of planning, money, excessive spending, poor financial control, instability, lack of opportunities or lost opportunities, greed, lack of money, insecurity, misery
The Antelope reversed represents missed opportunities or lack of opportunities. It is a not a good card to get in a spread as it can represent opportunities, prospects or deals falling through. It can also signify delays, lack of planning and poor control so make sure you are putting the work and planning into achieving your goals when it appears. This minor card in a reversed position can also signify scarcity, deficiency, insecurity or instability. The Antelope reversed can indicate that you may be allowing fears of scarcity or not having what you need influence your behaviour and causing you to act in a stingy and greedy manner. It can also represent a lack of forethought and excessive spending. You may have more resources leaving your life than you have coming in when it appears.