Flight: Any animal with wings can suggest flight. This can be a need to run from (or panic about) a situation (or person) but, somewhat differently, a chance to run TO something rather than away.
Peace: The Dove can represent peace, happiness, contentment. If things aren’t going too well right now, it is a good omen for better times. It’s a great card for romance, careers and money matters.
Spiritual: The Dove is a card about spirituality, faith or religion. It is usually a good omen and brings inspiration and acknowledgement of blossoming gifts.
Psychic: When you are looking for encouragement or guideance on development of psychic abilities, clairvoyance etc, The Dove can guide you on your spiritual jouney. It can also warn if you are about to take the wrong path or go to quickly.
The Dove is connected to faith or spiritual enlightenment. It can suggest a path as a healer or a counselor. It can also signify a person as a peacekeeper.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: balance, harmonious relationships, temperance, tranquillity, moderation, perspective, good influence, patience, confidence, peace, inner calm
The Dove card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. This major card indicates that you have found your inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious. You have learned not to allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s conflict or to let minor issues knock you off balance. Instead you adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep your balance. The Dove can also signify that you have found peace and tranquility and you are feeling content. The Dove indicates that you are truly in touch with who you are inside, what you value and your own moral compass and you are finding it easier to figure out your aspirations and set yourself goals.
Reversed Meanings: discord, imbalance, impatience, clashing, recklessness, excess, lack of perspective, self-indulgence, disunion, conflict, antagonism, frustration
The Dove reversed indicates imbalance or overindulgence. This major card can be an indicator that you are behaving in a hasty or reckless fashion. It can be a signifier of many issues with excessive or harmful indulgences such as drinking, drug use, gambling, overeating, shopping and the list goes on. The Dove card in a reversed position may be telling you that you have lost touch with your own inner calm and tranquility which can lead you to seek gratification in risky, harmful ways. The Dove reversed can also indicate a lack of harmony with the people in your life so you may find yourself clashing with those closest to you or allowing yourself to be dragged into other people’s drama. You may be lacking perspective and not looking at the bigger picture. You would do well to take a step back and take a look at how you are behaving, examine the root causes and work on resolving them.