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Upright Meanings: expansion overseas, anticipation, withdrawal, generous person, decisions, co-operation, restlessness, waiting, emigration suddenly leaving, planning, deciding to stay or go, grass is always greener on the other side, lack of contentment, courage, business partnerships, two paths, patience, wanderlust, detachment, options
This card is all about planning and moving forward – progression. Look at it this way; you have already set out to achieve a particular task, which means you have turned an idea into a realistic plan. Such a plan will require fulfillment and therefore you have to progress from just having the plan to actually achieving what you set out for. Discovery is being considered as another The Visionary meaning. This is because it means that you are stepping out of your cocoon and exploring new experiences and worlds. While the beginning might seem tough and difficult, The Visionary card encourages you to strive on and push forward.
Reversed Meanings: indecisiveness, cancelled emigration, cancelled or delayed travel, being held back, deciding not go, fear of the unknown, self-doubt, disappointment, choosing the safest option, lack of planning, domination, restricted options, impatience, staying put, choosing a mundane life, anti-climax, fear of change
The Visionary reversed meaning suggests the need to set up long-term goals. Begin the process of setting up your goals by identifying what to you is important. Proceed by planning how you intend on achieving such goals. Another The Visionary reversal meaning suggests that you have ignored important fine points associated with planning your future. Lack of proper planning could be the reason for your downfall. Other interpretations can include either overconfidence or lack of patience, both are possible in bringing you disarray in your path forward.