The Black Queen is a combination of the energies of spades and clubs, where ideas and inspiration demand action. Stronger than either of the black Queens, more practical than the red Queens, don’t mess around when you see it.
The Queens are the feminine counterparts of the Kings. They are also a reflection or a certain aspect of the Empress. These cards are very strong and have a weight in a reading that is naturally superior to a Joker or Jack for instance. Just like the Kings, they can become threatening when reversed. But even head up, they’re more complex and contrasted than the Kings. Mostly because in the Middle-Ages, women were not only considered inferior to men, they were always a possible danger. These aspects can be used or not in a reading depending on your culture, background but above all, the energy of the session you’re in.

Upright Meanings: boredom, feeling trapped, rebirth, confined, uncertainty, lack of direction, self-limiting, reversal, change, needing release, improvement, suspension
boredom, feeling trapped, rebirth, confined, uncertainty, lack of direction, self-limiting, reversal, change, needing release, improvement, suspension
Reversed Meanings: unfaithfulness, corruption, karmic retribution, sickness, dishonesty, unfairness, weakness, injustice, lack of accountability, pettiness
The Reversed Black Queen card could indicate various things. One The Black Queen reversed interpretation is to show you are living in denial. You are not willing to accept the consequences of your actions or others. You are running from your guilt. You must however, be aware that these are actions that are in the past. Your future depends on your actions today – and what you will do to tip the scales in balance again. How can you make up for your wrongs? Taking action gives you a chance to change and stop judging yourself. In legal matters, this could represent an unfair outcome of a case that you will not accept.