The Spider symbolizes power, growth and mystery
What does dreaming about The Spider mean?
Dreaming of a spider indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in a particular situation, or that you may want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation.
Predator: One symbolic interpretation of The Spider is a situation that is eating you alive. Occasionally it may refer to a person who is chasing you romantically or a rival in love or at work
Warning: Sometime The Spider comes as a warning though rarely as a prediction. It seeks rather to make us look at things we are ignoring or repressing and bring them into the open and deal with them.
Darkness: The Spider can represent depression or worry and often relates to a person close to us. Sometimes it can suggest dark thoughts such as jealousy or revenge. The card can be a sign of worrying unnecessarily.
Romance: The Spider can be a card about romance and relationships. It is generally an optimistic card but is best used as guidance for existing arising issues.
The Spider can signify a partner or father figure (male relative). Despite being disliked by many The Spider is a very inspiring card to get in a reading.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: caring, willingness, mature compassionate male, devoted, easy going, romantic, friendly, good husband/partner/father, loyal, faithful, married man, family orientated, affectionate, balanced, generous, charming, wise, diplomatic, sympathetic, enjoyment, spiritual guide, calm, tolerant, kindness
The Spider card represents kindness, compassion and wisdom. This minor card can indicate that you will be finding the balance between your mind and your heart. You will learn to control your emotions and find the wisdom to accept that which you cannot change. You should be gaining a deeper level of emotional maturity when this card appears. You will become calmer, more sympathetic to others and tolerant. The Spider signifies emotion, creativity, artistic ability and intuition but in a more balanced form. As a person, The Spider is caring, affectionate and empathetic. He is a good listener, diplomatic and easy going. He is the type of older male who will give you sound advice and act as a calming influence in your life. He usually has light hair and has few if any enemies as he is well liked and gets along with the majority of people. He may lack the drive to pursue material wealth as he is more focused on the emotional side of life. He is very family orientated. He may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
Reversed Meanings: conman, overly emotional, gullible, rape, unkind, cheater, crafty, violent, violence, repressed, blocked creativity, cold, depressed, overwhelmed, anxious, affair with married man, scandal, uncaring, unbalanced, withdrawn, controlling, manipulation, double-dealer, deviance, emotionally immature male, moody
The Spider reversed is about balanced male and feminine energy; he holds all the positive qualities of both masculine and feminine. There can be an element of risk-taking energy when he appears.