The Chameleon Lifestyle Card

Card from our Lifestyle Deck:

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The Chameleon has more accurate meanings when paired with another card in the lifestyle deck or with a tarot card.

Meanings: a financial advisor, finances, business, wealth, values, gain, abundance, windfall

Wealth is what is referenced when seeing the Chameleon in a reading. This can be in the standard traditional sense of material goods – concerning finances and business, or it can be in a simpler sense of having many of something, or understanding the value of something. Thus, when looking at the cards, it can simply mean the cards are speaking about something in the financial realm, or the card can really help us examine what it is that is valuable to us. Some things are worthless on paper, but emotionally valuable – a principle, a feeling, an object or something you do.

The Chameleon card also asks us to think about what abundance really means – whether it is the quantity of something or another trait. A negative trait about this card is that it tends to focus on numbers rather than other qualities that we might find more compelling.

The Chameleon Significators

  • This card has Positive energies
  • If The Chameleon signifies a person they will often be Taurus
  • As a matching card The Chameleon signifies Repetitive (when or for how long)
  • This card is ruled by Venus

Examples of Questions to Ask

  • What areas of my life are filled with abundance?
  • What is it that I really value?
  • Where am I being too greedy?
  • Where have I lost touch with the true value of things?