The Suit of Hearts deals with the emotional level of consciousness and is associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. Hearts are about displays of emotion, expression of feelings and the role of emotions in relation to others. The Hearts Cartomancy cards indicate that you are thinking with your heart rather than your head, and thus reflect your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to situations. Hearts are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination. The negative aspects of the Suit of Hearts (i.e. when the Hearts cards appear reversed) include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasizing about what could be. There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity. The Suit of Hearts traditionally represents the west and autumn. If using an ordinary deck of playing cards, Hearts are represented by the Suit of Hearts.
Timing: When looking for time sensitive answers, Hearts generally means moderately slow, usually weeks to months.
The Queens are the feminine counterparts of the Kings. They are also a reflection or a certain aspect of the Empress. These cards are very strong and have a weight in a reading that is naturally superior to a Joker or Jack for instance. Just like the Kings, they can become threatening when reversed. But even head up, they’re more complex and contrasted than the Kings. Mostly because in the Middle-Ages, women were not only considered inferior to men, they were always a possible danger. These aspects can be used or not in a reading depending on your culture, background but above all, the energy of the session you’re in.

Upright Meanings: warmth, psychic, romantic proposals, caring, attraction, artistic, diplomatic, intelligence, affection, sensitive, offers, invitations, tactful, following your heart, charm, taking action, emotional, dating, creative, gentle, gentlemanly behavior, chivalry, romantic dreamer, peace loving, being swept off your feet, imaginative, graceful
warmth, psychic, romantic proposals, caring, attraction, artistic, diplomatic, intelligence, affection, sensitive, offers, invitations, tactful, following your heart, charm, taking action, emotional, dating, creative, gentle, gentlemanly behavior, chivalry, romantic dreamer, peace loving, being swept off your feet, imaginative, graceful
Reversed Meanings: weak, disloyal, gloom, manipulative, lack of trust, sulky, giving too much, smothering, spiteful, perverse, unfaithful, shallow, self-centered, over-active imagination, depressed, overly-sensitive, lacking direction, insecurity, unhappy, bitter, blocked intuition, vengeful, frivolous, emotional immaturity, needy, silly, disorganized
The Queen of Hearts reversed means that you are not in sync with your emotions. You can also feel restricted in the expressing the way that you truly feel. Most times, bottling up your emotions can be very damaging and will lead to a boiling point in the near future. You may have high levels of stress that you are not able to cope with anymore. The Queen of Hearts reversed can also reflect that your mind is wandering too far and you are letting your imagination run away with itself. While you still mean well, you should take a pause to really see whether your emotions can be trusted, because you are allowing them to control you. You need to take some time to think if these dreams can be turned into reality. You should try to be more emotionally stable during these times, so you will know when your emotions are getting the best of you.