The Spruce Lifestyle Card

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The Spruce has more accurate meanings when paired with another card in the lifestyle deck or with a tarot card.

Meanings: a well adjusted person, growth, grounded, past connection, personal growth, spirituality, health, past-life

This card can comment on a variety of things – though in more general situations, it focuses on wellbeing and health – both in a physical and a spiritual sense. The Spruce asks us to look at ourselves from a wholistic perspective. Perhaps it is an indication to take a walk with nature.

Our roots lie far back in our pasts, so timing wise, it tends to refer to past events and situations – a current moment grounded in what came before. Like a Spruce, what is happening today perhaps took quite a bit of time to grow – but what came out of that time created security. With its many intertwining branches, it also reminds us that we are all connected – and thus the card can also indicate there is a deep bond between two people in a reading.

The Spruce Significators

  • This card has Neutral energies
  • If The Spruce signifies a person they will often be Capricorn
  • As a matching card The Spruce signifies 9 – 12 Months (when or for how long)
  • This card is ruled by Saturn

Examples of Questions to Ask

  • What does your higher self say?
  • How does this help me develop as a human being?
  • From when did this start happening?
  • How do I find connections between myself and others?