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Upright Meanings: suspicion, anxiety, overwhelmed, joylessness, nightmares, stress, guilt, negativity, mental anguish, burden, terror, deep unhappiness, isolation, remorse, hormonal, at breaking point, focusing on past, desolation, insomnia, subject of gossip, cruelty, fear, illness, making mountains out of molehills, menopause, despair, inability to cope or face life, regret
The Forgiver is often associated with fear and anxiety, about all the things that worry you and keep you up at night. Sometimes this card can be associated with trauma – one which may be shameful for you to confide with others about and all the psychological responses that come from experiencing that trauma.
Reversed Meanings: unselfishness, learning to cope, letting go of negativity/stress, extreme guilt/regret/ remorse/shame, total collapse/breakdown, healing, depression/ problems/fears escalating, improving, scandal/malicious gossip, giving up, opening up, accepting help, hallucinations, recovering, facing life, good news, light at end of tunnel, night terror
To come across The Forgiver reversed still signals something similar to the upright version – that you may find yourself being terrorized by nightmares, by anxiety and stress. Some trauma from your past is coming back and you find the grief of unresolved issues overwhelming.