The Eagle symbolizes great strength, courage, leadership and prestige
What does dreaming about The Eagle mean?
Dreaming of an eagle symbolizes nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability. Eagles also indicate self-renewal. You will struggle fiercely and courageously to realize your highest ambitions and greatest desires.
Air: The Eagle may suggest someone whose head is in the clouds or who is full of hot air. On a spiritual level it represents intuition and may be a sign of developing gifts or abilities.
Clarity: A time when things begin to come clear. Can also mean clairvoyance or spiritual enlightenment. Sometimes it warns to look clearly at a person or situation before making any decisions.
Warning: Sometime The Eagle comes as a warning though rarely as a prediction. It seeks rather to make us look at things we are ignoring or repressing and bring them into the open and deal with them.
The Eagle can indicate a person where the message just isn’t getting through or a situation that has blown up out of all proportion.
Power Animal Cards & Meanings
Spirit Animal Cards & Meanings
Upright Meanings: self-sabotaging behaviour, lack of communication, deception, abuse, standing up for yourself, self-sacrifice, crime, cowardliness, assault, serious conflict, empty victory, hostility, surrender, murder, violence, walking away, fighting back, victory, intimidation, bullying, rape, change, defeat, aggression, underhanded behaviour, overcoming challenges
The Eagle is not always a good omen as it can represent defeat, change surrender and walking away. It is a minor card of self-sabotaging or underhanded behaviour and deception and lack of communication. It can also represent serious conflict, stress and lack of communication. The Eagle card comes with a warning as it can signify hostility, aggression, intimidation and violence and as such it can represent situations we would hope to never encounter in our lives such as crime, theft, bullying, abuse, assault, rape, murder. On the other hand, it may simply represent the action one must take to overcome being challenged by others such as standing up for oneself and fighting back. As such it can be an indication of victory. If so, the victory it represents will be hard won as you will have quite a battle on your hands.
Reversed Meanings: revenge, communication, regret, shame, loss, ending conflict, compromise, overcoming challenge, escalating violence, defeat, uncovered crime, major sacrifice, unfairness, humiliation, releasing stress, moving on, risk everything, peaceful resolution, relentless, remorse, not heeding warnings, arrest, held accountable
When The Eagle reversed appears, you may be having an urge to prove that you are right about something to someone – and this could be a serious waste of your time and energy. If you’re right, you’re right, and it doesn’t matter if people believe you, generally speaking. Put your energy into more productive efforts.