- Sagittarius Tarot Reading
- Sagittarius Career Horoscope
- Sagittarius Love Compatibility
- Sagittarius Spirit Animal
- Virgo Tarot Reading
- Virgo Career Horoscope
- Virgo Love Compatibility
- Virgo Spirit Animal
Sagittarius and Virgo together! The stars are not infallible when it comes to compatibility. There are exceptions to every rule. Not sure who you should match with? Start with our quiz Love Match Quiz
A match between Sagittarius and Virgo is Very Bad
Neither signs will be getting what they need from a relationship. And the kind of love the centaur gives will eventually drive the maiden mad. First of all, the Sagittarian won’t make an effort to understand his/her partner. Second, he/she cannot be tied down, and last, the centaur has a greater thirst for sexual pleasure. All these are opposite to what the simple Virgo looks for in a partner. And after a week of burning passion, if ever there was any, the Sagittarian will be driven to look for love elsewhere, and this will cause many fights.

Sagittarius in Love
A spirit guide closely associated with Sagittarius is The Counselor.
A perfect love match for Sagittarius is Leo. Also very compatible is Aries.
A very bad love match for Sagittarius is Cancer. Also not very compatible is Taurus.
Sagittarians are some of the most optimistic people you’ll ever meet. Their sole policy in life is to treat others the way in which they themselves want to be treated. They are always running late for appointments and are never organized. This is because their minds are racing so far ahead that they forget about the present situation. You can never expect them to be early to an appointment. They have a broad-minded approach to life. Knowledge is the key to their lives.
Ideal Professions for Sagittarius in Love: Anything that involves travelling, coach, animal trainer, minister, public relations, editor
The Counselor, with this star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: progress, healing, calmer waters, sorrow, travel overseas, lethargy, relief, moving forward, spirit guides, moving on, overcoming hardship, feeling deflated, harmony, escaping, calm after a storm, journey, things calming down, journeys, running away, stability, going on holiday, travelling, holding onto negativity
In Reverse:, defeat, floods, stormy relationships, return from travel, eloping, difficulties, causing trouble, lack of progress, nowhere to run, slow healing, obstacles, out of frying pan into fire, disrupted travel, cancelled travel, stuck, trapped, delay, standing your ground, rocking the boat, changing plans, abandoned plans, trouble coming, overwhelmed, instability

Virgo in Love
A spirit guide closely associated with Virgo is The Believer.
A perfect love match for Virgo is Virgo. Also very compatible is Taurus.
A very bad love match for Virgo is Libra. Also not very compatible is Aries.
Virgos are considered to be born to serve people. They are extremely modest people who are sometimes considered depressed because of their lack of opinion. However, they themselves consider it a noble quality to serve other people. They are represented by the element Earth that means they are grounded. They can be worrywarts because of their obsessive need for perfection. This continuous worry makes them extremely difficult to get along with. As far as work goes, they are the ideal workers.
Ideal Professions for Virgo in Love: Teacher, writer, editor, critic, translator, detective, technician, statistician
The Believer, with this star sign card, can bring any of the following energies: love, happiness, celebrations, new relationships, joy, fertility, good health, conception, pregnancy, beauty, new beginnings, new romance
In Reverse:, sadness, blocked or repressed emotions, infertility, unrequited love, hesitancy, miscarriage, breakups, pregnancy issues, selfishness, pain, egotism, bad news